Caicos Middle Caicos
Dream TCI, BWI

Still More To Do

Can you keep busy on an island with so few people and so few amenities? You bet. The only thing we can't find enough of is time. Here are some places we still have to visit.

Ocean Hole

South of the islands lies the Caicos Bank, a patch of shallow sea. Just south of Middle Caicos is Ocean Hole. 3000 feet across, it drops 190 feet.

Man O' War Bush

The Frigate bird is known locally as the Man O' War because of its vigilance. South of Middle Caicos, a small rock is topped by a large bush. The Man O' War birds cover the bush with their nests.

Haulover Plantation

Well, we have been to Haulover; just haven't had time to publish any images of it.

Dr. John Lorimer founded the plantation in 1791 and grew cotton until the endeavour was struck by the Cotton Boll Weevil. 100 years later, sisal was grown here. The plantation lies off the road north of the village of Lorimers.

Armstrong Pond

A pond over a mile wide lies south of Lorimers. Near here is an Indian Ball court.

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Mike Ramsey
Thu Apr 01,1999